Saturday, September 6, 2008

LESSON 10 Online applications or how i took a left turn and ended up somewhere unexpected

So how does one go from innocently exploring online applications, specifically, to Sarah Palin?
Here's how:  I am having trouble doing anything constructive in  I don't seem to be able to create an online doc; every time i try to upload a doc, i get a msg that google can't support .docx files.  Okay, i know it's me--they are simple Word documents that i'm trying to play with but i haven't figured out how i am being thwarted.   So.....i take a moment to visit our list of summer blog participants.  Basically, i want to feel that i am not in this alone.  From there i remember my RSS feeds and decide to read a couple of blogs that i've earmarked. One i like a lot is the one by jessamyn west and in it she refers to the story of sarah palin and censorship.  I read an email this week by an educator who lives in Wasilla who corroborated the story--sarah p. tried to fire a librarian because she wouldn't agree to remove some books from the shelf.  The author of the email was one of about 100 people who rallied to try to keep the librarian on the job.
Just wanted to pass this on for what it is worth.  
So, just another example of how you can start out in one direction and end up somewhere completely different, thanks to the wonderful web.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Week 9 Wikis

Okay, I keep going back to Flickr, which limits my time for the current lesson.  (I'm in the process of making a photo montage to post on our website along with news of our theme this year in the library:  The Year of the Classic.  Hence, the covers featured in this post.)  But I did dabble in wikis briefly.  I was overwhelmed by Nancy Pearl's wiki.  Too much info, not easy to navigate and didn't seem updated.  (Best books list was from 2006?)  I liked the BookLover's Wiki a lot; too bad it ended.  Like the concept; will see if our district librarian's group wants to get one started.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Week 8 Tagging

Part of me yearns for the simple days when tagging was something I did on a late summer night when playing a neighborhood game of "Come one, Come all".  And exploring the vastness of Web 2.0 reminds me of gazing up at the endless stars on those same summer nights.   But I am glad to be picking my path among the stars and learning new applications each week. For the past few years,  I have been amazed at the sheer amount of information on the web; this week using and Technorati, I am amazed at the organic systems that have developed to organize and retrieve that information.

I am glad to have the articles about Library 2.0 to see what I am learning in terms of possible use in libraries.  Right now, though, I have printed them out and am taking them home to read under the oak tree.  Two hours in front of the screen is enough.  Later.....

Monday, August 4, 2008

Week 7. Play Week

Played around with Image Generator.  Created this photo in the Banner/Poster choice from the archives.   Had fun with making word clouds using  Did one with "Library" and another with "Non-fiction".  Will use a word cloud when brainstorming with kids in the beginning of the year about all the things a library can be.  We'll take their individual suggestions and create a "cloud" for each grade.   Will offer the link to the coat-of-arms creator (again in Image Generator) to any of the teachers who do family history with their class.

Set up a library in LibraryThing but am not sure how to link it with my blog.  Great fun this week but must get outside--even if it is overcast--it's still Summer!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Week 5, Social networks

Set up a face book account.  Sent a message to a friend.  Befriended Vermont Librarian and Library 2.o Interest Group.  Enjoying the satisfaction that comes from learning a new skill and pondering if I can tie it to my work with K-6 graders.  

Two people came by while I was working (the first grade teacher and later the Special Ed aide) and both of their comments were about the dangers of social networking sites.  Makes me feel like this would be good to bring up as a staff.  But I also want to look at positive uses for it and am glad to have dipped my toe in the water.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Week 4. RSS Feeds

Discovered RSS Feeds today.  Not sure whether they are going to help me spend my time more efficiently on the computer, or just help me spend more time there!  Did enjoy two videos from the feeds:   one was a discussion of what new technology can offer in terms of library privacy issues (from  and the other was of a fellow dancing his way, sometimes solo and sometimes with a crowd, around the world.  One made me think; the other made me smile. (And the dancing one was from a librarian's blog!)

Subscribed to NYT Book Review,  Shifted Librarian,, the BBC News Health and Medical News Today.

Want to play more with Flickr, but the garden calls and the peas need to be frozen.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The old and the new

Here's a picture (now, next I want to learn how to rotate images) of Eartha Wizzi, our ancient library puppet reading from a Kindle. Her favorite title?? The Witch of Blackbird Pond.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Help with Flickr

Has anyone made a pocket-sized photo album using one of the Flickr toys? My thought was to drag in cover images from some of this year's Red Clover titles and make little booklets that kids could annotate as we read the stories. The instructions say you can upload images from your computer and the only other instruction seems to be to drag the images into the appropriate boxes. I downloaded some cover art from Amazon but am having no luck dragging the images.
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Week 1, Lifelong Learning

Fun to watch the Power Point. Content was pretty standard but did have its inspirational moments.
For me, the Easiest Habit is accepting responsibility for learning. I like to plan ahead and have things organized enough that I can relax and enjoy.
The Hardest Habit? I think it is setting goals. I'm okay with general ones ("I want to improve my knowledge of technology") but it is harder to come up with the specific steps to get there.


A word about the title. Eartha Wizzi is the name of the library witch (puppet). I wanted a title that will remind me to smile even in the midst of technological struggle. I hope it works!